Monday, April 30, 2007

way to make me feel AWESOME.

conversation with a three year old, today at church

her: are you a teenager?
me: no, not anymore.
her: are you a grown up?
me: yes, i am a grown up. (NOTE: that answer was kind of scary in itself)
her: why aren't you married yet?
me: ...


womynrev said...

oh dear. silly three-year olds.

just say something like "because I'm a product of post-modern feminist culture and as such, I do not feel called to participate in the oppression of the cultural hegemony of the patriarchal structures of our post-post-modern society."

I imagine that a three-year old wil be back on the playground or on to the next unsuspecting spinster by the time you say "post-modern"


womynrev said...

ps. did I tell you I'm crazy enough to be considering doing a CPE residency? yeah. cra-zee.

Xtina said...

good suggestion, because i almost said, "i don't know, do you know nice single men?"

you did not tell me that! but i think it could be very good.