Thursday, April 27, 2006

finally! alaska

day 1 we went up to hatcher's pass, where supposedly you go sledding. but it was pretty much white out conditions so we didn't do anything. here's a picture of katie's dog norm running in the white out (there are mountains behind him):

when the sun burned off it was pretty amazing. this is my "wild God" picture:

day 2 was the hiking/puking/peeing day on a little mountain they call baldy. here i am just about as far as i made it,

and this is how i got down:

the peak behind me is where katie, katie's mom, and katie's aunt got to

day 3 we hiked some more, and saw moose poop (but no moose) (but i've seen a moose in Maine):

day 4 we hiked up the butte (like a hill to Alaskans, but a pretty good walk for me). This is a view of pioneer peak

and a view of knik glacier (way in the back ground)

day 5: this is me shooting some clay pigeons: this is momentous, probably the first and last time you'll see me holding an actual gun.

day 6 and 7 we hung out with the fam -- easter sunday and all -- so no pics -- but an amazing trip overall.


Torgo said...

Hey, did you run into my friend Bruce? He lives in Alaska. He looks a bit like an Alaskan Richard Gere. I also know a Montananan Richard Gere. Perhaps you saw him as you flew over Montana.

Rainster said...

Whoa, that's all totally hardcore. I can only sit in my uber-urban environment in awe.

Xtina said...

torgo --
i talked to my DAD bruce. he's like richard gere in twenty years.

rainster --
seriously -- people call up their friends and are like "let's catch up while we're HIKING up this HUGE mountain."

Rainster said...

I'm content to just look at the pretty mountain....